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Reflection in a Pond

Nature-based solutions

Nature-based solutions

                                                                         are actions to protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural and modified ecosystems that address societal challenges effectively and adaptively, simultaneously providing human well-being and biodiversity benefits.


Scientists are warning of a sixth extinction crisis, and in many regions, even insect populations are in serious decline. The failure of public policy to halt the deteriorating state of nature together with advances in ecological science is prompting a major reassessment of our approach to nature conservation.


A Nature-based solution uses the tools that nature already provides to address issues resulting from poor land or resource use, climate change or societal challenges. Solutions often enhance existing natural or man-made infrastructure and spur long-term economic, social and environmental benefits.


Rewilding is an effective tool of ecological restoration and a nature based solution for hydro-meteorological risk control. Rewilding contributes to reduce flood risk, resist droughts, helps to restore soil organic matter content, increases soil and plant biodiversity, improves the overall ecosystem and human health. According to Rewilding Europe; "Rewilding is also one of the most practical and cost-effective ways of mitigating climate change, and helps to boost climate resilience."

"Rewilding offers a solution: Replacing traditional
human-led herding with free-roaming herds maintains the
flower-field meadows and landscape character whilst creating
a new wildlife attraction that can form the basis of new
tourism-based economies in the villages."



Many areas of Europe, especially those in the Iberian Peninsula and around the Alps, are witnessing the collapse of traditional agriculture and pastoralism which can no longer compete with industrialised food production systems.

This leads rural depopulation and loss of social cohesion, but also the transition of biodiversity-rich pasturelands into less diverse and more flammable scrub and woodland.


Rewilding offers a solution: Replacing traditional human-led herding with free-roaming herds maintains the flower-field meadows and landscape character whilst creating a new wildlife attraction that can form the basis of new tourism-based economies in the villages.

In drier areas, the herds will reduce woody biomass and the intensity of wildfires and once their numbers grow they can be harvested for wild meat or hunting trophies.


Investment in Nature-based Solutions and ecosystem restoration helps safeguard and maintain ecosystems is vital for food and water supplies, protects against natural disasters and provides goods and services key to human well-being and economic development.


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